Я пишу стихи на заказ и пишу их на заказ. Мне очень нравится, что они написаны на заказ, а также для поздравлений с днем рождения или свадьбы.
Innovations is a five-level general English course that presents and practices vocabulary, collocations, fixed expressions, and idiomatic language. It emphasizes sound-chunking and oral fluency, covers productive and receptive pronunciation work, and teaches many aspects of grammar and spoken language not found in other coursebooks. The course includes a coursebook, workbook, teacher's book, and audio cassettes, and provides lots of personalized opportunities for using language. The teacher's resource book provides photocopiable activities, and the ExamView Test Generator CD-ROM allows teachers to produce and print exam material. The course is suitable for intermediate learners who want to have natural conversations in English.